Aesthetic Gynaecology

A relatively emerging field of medicine called aesthetic gynaecology enables women to change their intimate body parts for either sexual function or aesthetic reasons.

Asthma Specialist

Immunologists and allergists are experts in identifying and treating immune system disorders as allergies, asthma, and others. In addition to receiving specific training in allergy and immunology, allergists also learn how to recognise asthma and allergy triggers.

Allergy Consultation

The immune system of the body, which is in charge of defending the body against illness, is connected to allergies. It is made up of the bone marrow, lymphatic vessels, tonsils, blood vessels, appendix, and adenoids, to name a few parts of this very essential network.

Newborn Checkup

Throughout the first few hours of his existence, your kid will undergo a few tests and examinations. The first is the Apgar score, which is assessed immediately following birth and again five minutes later.

Child Health

Physical, mental, and social well-being are all parts of a child’s health. The majority of parents are aware of the fundamentals of keeping kids healthy, including providing them with wholesome diets, ensuring they get enough rest and exercise, and ensuring their safety.


A number of dangerous or potentially fatal diseases, including as diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), and others are all protected against by childhood immunisations.

Women’s Wellness Exams

A wellness checkup is a thorough examination that assists women in maintaining reproductive health and in making decisions about their own reproductive health.

Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy blood tests can be performed and  these tests can properly determine whether you’re pregnant before you’ve missed your period since they can detect very little quantities of hCG.


Pertaining to the branch of medicine that deals with conception and birth of children

Lactation Support Services

Breastfeeding postures, sore nipples, low milk production, and other typical nursing issues can all be helped by lactation consultants.


Gynecology, sometimes known as gynaecology, is the branch of medicine that deals with treating illnesses that affect women, particularly those that affect the reproductive system.

Birth Control

The use of drugs, contraceptive devices, or surgical methods to prevent pregnancy is referred to as birth control or contraception.

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